H.A.R.D. Core Airsoft

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Welcome H.A.R.D. Core

H.A.R.D. Core stands for High Angle Rapid Deployment. What we are is a dedicated group of airsoft players located in beautiful Santa Cruz, Ca. Right now, we are currently in the process of securing some rental gear for new players as well as recruiting new players . If you are interested in joining us on our adventures, please contact us.

Unit Updates

07AUG05 - Begin a replan, restructure and possible renaming of the team. Team roster upto 3 members and we will be recruiting shortly

07JUN16 - After being gone for sometime (in Arizona) we have returned to Santa Cruz, CA!!!!!

04NOV15 - H.A.R.D. Core reactivates with the addition of 2 new members and has begun planning future deployments. We apologize to any who were going to be joining us and look forward to meeting those of you who will be in the future

04JUL21- Begin open recriting for the CQB Challenge in August. Contact H.A.R.D. Core 1-0 if you are interested in signing up.

04JUN27 - More updates to the site. We have added a forum as well as some new links to local stores and organizations.

04JUN08 - Updated website

03OCT13 - Relocated to Santa Cruz, Ca

03SEPT27 - Operation Copperhead Road
website fully up and running

03SEPT21 - Site launched

03SEPT10 - H.A.R.D. Core formed

Upcoming Operations

EuroWars - Sept 14 - 27. MAYBE


It seems that we move quite a bit. In may of 05 I married and moved to Phoenix, AZ in an attempt to find cheaper living. It was but the bad out weighed the good down there. We started ARC Airsoft for a while, but politics being what they are in Phoenix, another larger , better established group in the area decided to start running their games on the same days we were and so we quit. I played along side the Marauders for a while and then evnetually withdrew from the sport.

Well now I'm back and going to rebuild the team. There is also a name change in the near future, but the site will stay the same.

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